Haidy Ashmawi


Professional info

Interior Design


15 Years in the market

External Links


Haidy Ashmawi Founder & Design Director At " HI-D" Design Studio.
Graduated From Faculty of Fine Arts in 2005 with a Bachelor Degree in" Interior Architecture".
Haidy's inquisitiveness to learn flew her to work with many design firms in the middle east, GCC and Canada to build a 15 years of experience in Residential, Commercial, Administrative & Hospitality Projects.
She believes that spaces affect us physically, emotionally, psychologically and energetically.
Her passion of mindfulness and meditation drove her to study the Art of creating mindfulness in the environment ,she was able to combine this passion with her profession to become a Feng Shui Practitioner .
she state that her challenge is to push her limits , her goal is humans wellbeing and her achievement was the diversity of her clients' cultures.
Her favourite part in the Design process is the Layout Planning.